Thinking of the times when life challenges our behaviours, exposes us to unknown circumstances, gives chances to question, learn, master ... each day constantly brings to light a portfolio of decisions to be made, answers to be sought, people to be met and opportunities to be unearthed | The way of living depends purely on [...]

Thinking of the times when life challenges our behaviours, exposes us to unknown circumstances, gives chances to question, learn, master … each day constantly brings to light a portfolio of decisions to be made, answers to be sought, people to be met and opportunities to be unearthed |

The way of living depends purely on choices made towards circumstances that we encounter … this is philosophy, not a theory learned by heart, not a doctrine read in a book, instead, it is the style of practising, the route of an individual participation that is mastered with the highest precision throughout life, it is the constant journey, not an arrival…

One of the classic manuals that embrace this credo is invisibly signed by Epictetus, an ex-slave, one of the trinity of Stoic philosophers { Marcus Aurelius + Seneca + Epictetus }, an ultimate inspiration for a psychologist, Albert Ellis, and the beginnings of CBT { Cognitive Behavioural Therapy } and the title is Enchiridion { written by his student Arrian } |



Over 2,000-years-old-thoughts born out of life tests and trials encountered by Epictetus in his times of slavery in Hierapolis { Turkey }, philosophy teachings in Rome and foundering a school in Greece, have been vividly current in day-to-day living for centuries |



Oftentimes purposeful searching for life lessons does not result in any expected findings; on contrary, living in synergy with everyday moments, not necessarily looking for specific matters, can reveal some definitions and examples of the quality of living |

Epictetus’ Thoughts | A modern interpretation

Source: Sharon Lebell The Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness


#1 | 

The Significance Of Own Choices


It is not external events themselves that cause us distress, but the way in which we think about them, our interpretation of their significance. It is our attitudes and reactions that give us trouble. We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them |

When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it |

#2 | 

The Simplicity Of Being In Control


Learn to distinguish what you can and can’t control. Within our control are our own opinions, aspirations, desires and the things that repel us. They are directly subject to our influence |
Keep your attention focused entirely on what is truly your own concern and be clear that what belongs to others is their business, and not yours |

 #3 | 

The Power Of Bigger Picture


Consider the bigger picture…​..think things through and fully commit |

Try not to react merely in the moment. Pull back from the situation | Take a wider view | Compose yourself |