Ethics Matter

the way the House chooses to exist

This Code of Conduct must be treated with respect and any breach of any of its’ guidelines is not acceptable under any condition. What does it mean? Consequences of acting against our ethical principles will be treated with all seriousness. If there are some points of this Code which do not cover any specific situation which you face and there is an evident uncertainty of advised actions, we encourage to act in harmony with your common sense supported by principles of the Code of Ethics. In case of any ethical dilemma, we welcome you to raise your comments to recommended source.

We encourage any interested parties to get familiar with all guidelines of this Code, which must be read, understood and accepted. In case of any questions or uncertainty of any section of this Code, we recommend reaching out via email at

Code Of Contact

Privacy, Confidentiality

Our beliefs

We pride ourselves to be as honest, supportive and respectful.

We promote mutual respect with regards to any private information, therefore we do not store any confidential (private users’) data without receiving any prior approval.

We constantly review our House’s image without making you aware for quality purposes as we believe in never-finished process of developments we strive for achieving excellence in our and your performance as a crucial part of the House.

We do not use any private data of any of our employees, clients, suppliers neither partners.

We do not support any misuse of business information for personal or professional benefit.

We protect all shared within our organization information and we do not use it for any other than corporate motives.

Media, Communications, Conflict of Interests

Our beliefs

We have been building our House for the recent years and we communicate the messages in the manner it reflects our vision, mission, goals and our moral principles.

We promote this House by internal methods, tools and stakeholders only what guarantees a full control over any messages we communicate publicly to our users, clients, suppliers, colleagues and partners.

We manage our marketing channels and campaigns internally through a designated team of specialists only.

We aim to create a positive only PR by working closely with chosen only by ourselves media providers what guarantees minimising a danger of misleading and misinterpreted corporate information.

We do not undertake any actions, build any relationship which we believe there might be a risk of bad impact of our business, individuals’ performance, future of this House.

We do not enter any situation neither partnership which could jeopardize trust built between ourselves and you, our users, our colleagues, our clients, suppliers and this House.

We do not act towards making any conflict of interests between any parties we work with.


Our beliefs

We act only in harmony with our principles of continuous support of our House’s growth as a whole body and its’ members as well as partners and suppliers with no acceptance of illegal forms of development such as corruption.

We have absolutely no respect neither tolerance for any kind of monetary gratification which might influence directions of our House’s performance neither its’ members, users, employees, employers, partners, clients, and suppliers.

We do not, under any circumstance, accept anything valuable what could represent a direct or non-direct influencer on our business’ decision making process.

Diversity and Integrity

Our beliefs

We follow equal rights principles promoting to treat each and every body with respect, honesty and support.

We support our House’s, users’, employees’, clients’, partners’, suppliers’ development in line with a basic rule of respect of diversity expressed by various shades of differences.

We do not accept any form neither kind of unequal treatment amongst ourselves, our colleagues, clients, suppliers, partners.

We pride ourselves to be fair and we treat everybody in the same respect which means we expect to be treated in the same manner.

We support growth of our House which would not be possible without people and that’s why we fully appreciate everybody’s individuality expressed inside and outside of this Project.

We believe in creating opportunities for benefit of this House, our people and we invest in promoting equal rights amongst ourselves to continuously progress to be better selves.

Working with Users, Customers, Suppliers and Partners

Our beliefs

We support mutual development of relationships.

We aim to build, maintain and strengthen our House’s position through honesty, respect and ethical practice of our principles when performing.

We believe in trust, satisfaction, quality, openness when selecting our supporters, team members, clients, suppliers and partners.

We carefully manage our relationships while delivering high standards in order to guarantee satisfaction and continuous inspiration to ourselves and our supporters.


Our beliefs

We are committed to growth through a fair treatment of our competition.

We respect equal rights to succeed in modern times.

We do not enter into any data exchange projects with our competition and we protect our internal information from any risk of potential leaks to unknown sources.

Health and Safety, Social Responsibility

Our beliefs

We treat very seriously our health, safety and environmental performance.

We act in accordance to laws and regulations of health and safety policy.

We are committed to ensure we promote healthy, safe and supportive lifestyle in order to guarantee the highest performance of our projects, our suppliers and co-operating brands.

We monitor performance of our suppliers in relation to quality of H&S rules and we carefully select measures in line with our corporate principles.

We engage in community and social initiatives to encourage positive influence on others.

We encourage our users to get involved in social projects which promote culture, communication, art, fashion and education amongst local communities. We believe in sharing knowledge for the purpose of enhancing our and others potential.

We fully respect and act in harmony with our social responsibility initiatives and under any circumstance do not accept any behaviour against their ethical principles.

Modern Slavery Act

Introduction from the Founder

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our House’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.

Our Organisation

For the last years .Inspiring has set the standard for engaging, visually alluring, an innovative approach to realising and assessing the brands’ equity through visual communication, allowing brands creating the very finest visually-driven experience for users around the globe. senses studio is part of .Inspiring projects that empowers innovation in recognising creative arts, aesthetics and reflections’ impact on the quality of living and healthy minds  | Operating across the UK market and engaging with global audiences, .Inspiring aims to provide support to brands to evaluate their brand equity value | 

This statement is written to cover the UK operations of .Inspiring Ltd as a subject to the provisions of The Act.

We pride ourselves in respecting the individual no matter what gender, race, religion or orientation. We are committed to doing business in an ethical way, with honesty, integrity and humanity and we expect the same from our suppliers and their supply chains.

Our supply chains

Our supply chains may include: our partners, contributors and related parties.

Our policies on slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. In light of the obligation to report on measures to ensure that all parts of our business and supply chain are slavery free we aim to continuously review and monitor our workplace policies and procedures to assess their effectiveness in identifying and tackling modern slavery issues. Our Practice demonstrates our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Supplier adherence to our values

We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values we have in place a supply chain compliance programme.

The Founder,

Ania A Drzewiecka